Lawyers for Assault Charges WA

At Paxman & Paxman, we can provide you with some of the best lawyers for assault charges in WA. Our assault lawyers in Perth have experience providing advice and representation on assault occasioning bodily harm, common assault and other assault charges. Contact us today about your case on 1300 CRIM WA (1300 2746 92).
Criminal law in WA covers an array of offences involving violence or the use of force. Due to the variety of offences covered by legislation such as the Criminal Code, it can be difficult to fully or correctly understand when the use of force is lawful and when it is unlawful. Often, it takes experienced assault lawyers to give clear and accurate legal advice about what is lawful and what isn’t in Perth.
Over the years, various new offences have arisen that capture and criminalise different forms of behaviour. Here are some examples:
- Common assault (s313)
- Assault occasioning bodily harm (s317)
- Grievous bodily harm (s297)
- Acts or omissions causing bodily harm (s304)
- Wounding (s301)
- Assaults whilst aboard aircraft (s318A)
- Indecent assault (s323)
- Assault with intent to steal or rob (s393)
- Home invasions
- Unlawful assault causing death (s281)
- Assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm/intent to commit a crime/prevent arrest (s294)
- Assaults on police and public officers (s318).
The penalties that apply for assault occasioning bodily harm, common assault and other assault charges vary greatly. In fact, the penalties for individual offences can vary depending on the circumstances in which they are committed. Under the criminal law in WA, sentences can range from small fines to mandatory sentences of 15 years. Much will depend on the offence provision and the circumstances of each individual case.
Over the years, both the maximum penalties as well as the acceptable sentencing ranges for most violent offences have increased in response to public concern/outcry and a perception (rightly or wrongly) that violent crime is on the increase.
Some violent offences are ‘either way’ offences that can be dealt with in either the Magistrates Court or District Court. Different penalties often apply depending on whether the charge is being dealt with in the Magistrates Court or District Court.
More recently, mandatory sentencing has been utilised, which means removing sentencing discretion from Judges and Magistrates. Again, this has occurred in the midst of public outcry about an erroneous perception that the courts don’t treat violent offences seriously and will only ever deliver a “slap on the wrist”.
This may result in some unjust sentencing outcomes.
Assaults on police in circumstances of aggravation will usually carry a mandatory minimum of six months imprisonment.
Assaults committed in the course of a home invasion can carry mandatory minimum sentences of anywhere up to 15 years imprisonment. This is more than the typical sentence for manslaughter.
However, there are often alternative charges that don’t fetter the discretion of the courts by imposing mandatory minimums.
If you are facing an assault charge in WA that carries a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment, we strongly recommend that you get legal advice from top assault lawyers in Perth like Paxman & Paxman about your options.
Experienced lawyers for assault will be able to advise you if there is an alternative charge available that does not carry a mandatory term of imprisonment. The best assault lawyers in Perth are astute negotiators; Paxman & Paxman can provide persuasive negotiation with the prosecution.
Many of the assault offences created by the Criminal Code can be committed in circumstances of aggravation that increase the maximum statutory penalties that apply or require certain mandatory minimum sentences (such as mandatory imprisonment). The Criminal Code defines various circumstances of aggravation. These are known as statutory circumstances of aggravation.
Statutory circumstances of aggravation include:
- being in company with a co-offender
- being armed with a weapon or pretending to be armed
- offences committed in occupied dwellings
- being in a family or domestic relationship with the victim
- offences committed in the presence of children
- where the victim is 60 years of age or over
- offending motivated by race.
In addition to circumstances of aggravation legislated in the Criminal Code, individual examples of offending can be aggravated because of case law precedent. Some examples are offences committed:
- whilst on bail
- whilst the offender is subject to a suspended term of imprisonment
- whilst the offender is on a community-based order or intensive supervision order
- against vulnerable victims
- whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
The Criminal Code creates a number of defences that absolve a person of criminal responsibility in circumstances that would otherwise constitute a criminal offence. Much like circumstances of aggravation, there are statutory defences created by legislation such as the Criminal Code, as well as ‘common law’ defences that are established by case law precedent.
Some defences only apply to certain criminal offences but not others. Examples of statutory defences created by the Criminal Code are:
- Self defence (s248)
- Provocation (s246)
- Insanity (s27)
- Resisting home invasion (s244)
- Use of force to prevent repetition of insult (s247)
- Unwilled acts or omissions (s23A)
- Accident (s23B)
- Mistake of fact (s24)
- Emergency (s24)
- Acting under lawful authority (s31)
- Duress (s32)
- Defence of movable property (s252)
- Use of force to prevent entry or remove trespassers (s254).
Most of the defences listed above only apply to some offences but not others. Again, it pays to have experienced lawyers for assault to advise you on whether any of these defences are available to you.
Assault occasioning bodily harm is a particularly serious violent offense in WA that involves intentionally or recklessly causing bodily harm to another person. The term “bodily harm” refers to any injury that causes substantial pain, physical impairment or disfigurement to that person. This offense carries severe penalties, including significant fines and imprisonment.
If you have been charged with assault occasioning bodily harm in WA, you should seriously consider seeking advice from experienced assault lawyers in Perth. Our lawyers for assault at Paxman & Paxman will help you build a robust defence for this charge. With our expertise in assault causing bodily harm, we can assess the evidence against you and identify any weaknesses in the prosecution’s case.
At Paxman & Paxman, Oliver Paxman, Lana Paxman and their team have many years of collective experience representing clients who are faced with assault occasioning bodily harm, common assault and other assault charges in WA. As leading assault lawyers in Perth, we specialise in criminal law.
We can give you the right legal advice about whether to plead guilty or not guilty to the charges against you. We can advise you whether you have a defence at law and the prospects of successfully defending yourself at trial. We can provide advice about the sentencing ranges for violent offending and what you can do to mitigate the risk of receiving an immediate term of imprisonment.
If you are pleading ‘not guilty’ and need court representation at trial, our criminal barristers are some of the best assault lawyers in Perth.
If you are looking for a criminal defence lawyer to represent you on an assault occasioning bodily harm, common assault or any other assault charge in WA, we are the best team of assault lawyers in Perth. We are a criminal law firm in the CBD providing quality representation for criminal law. Contact us today on 1300 CRIM WA and speak to one of our lawyers for assault about your case. Alternatively, you can fill out an online enquiry and a criminal lawyer from our team will gladly assist you.
New Changes to Bail Laws: Enhanced Electronic Monitoring in Family Violence Cases
Recent legislative reforms in Western Australia, effective from 18 December 2024, have expanded the use of electronic monitoring for accused persons on bail for family and domestic violence offences.
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